Sunday, November 11, 2007

Goodtimes with "JoJo"

It has been a while that he entrusted me his treasures, that he is such a funny person to be with, everybody loves him...

he can make you laugh out of no where;) he can laugh and say awful things behind your back... haha. he is well-known of his practical jokes that will make you upset...

he cares a lot, yes its true, a LOT! he shares stuff, kindness is the word. he can guarantee you that your safe with him...

he will love you times 10 if you loves him back! he is a awesome husband, super daddy, funny uncle, great brother, lovable son, and a wonderful friend.

the memories will never end.
its now our treasure that we would keep from now on...

he is now happy and saved,
he's a WIND for now on.

i would give you an applause for all the GOODTIMES that we had!

thank you for the trust, I'll never break that! and for all the laughters, memories and ample of love...
I'm affiliated!

we will miss you.

*in loving memory of Darwin "jojo" Gloria*
Nov. 8, 2007

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